Wednesday, June 25, 2008


sorreh, our IU Day's date, venue and time changed. here's the new flyer..

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Abandoned Ship

uh oh. this blog is so abandoned.

i thought Sharida would blog here but, ched oh ched. she's a lazy bumbum.

everyone's so busy with school...SPM preparations. :/


do come! :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

She's Finally Ripe!

Guess who?! Haha. Well, recently one of us celebrated their 17th birthday. I won't pin-point a specific person but let's just say she's a weird bon bon who used to call herself Hilary.

So I do believe a birthday shout-out is in due order.

Happy Birthday Whey Jinn!

(you'll always be M**** to me!)

So, the day after her birthday, her sisters had suggested we surprise her (as if that doesn't happen often enough everyday I show up to school with a straight face). If seeing is believing, then you better believe the hell outta me once you witness the following Kodak moments.

First step: Blindfold the sucker!

This gruesome task was achieved by averting her attention to a suspiciously fascinating piece of garment. The minute she whipped her head round, a look of fear, confusion and more importantly - constipation; took over her visage.

"What the hell are you trying to do?!"

"Try it on la! Only 15 bucks. You don't like I'll put it back on the rack"

Once blindfolded, it was far too easy to capture some cherished memories. Sad to say, yours truly did not manage to take a picture with her blindfolded.

This was the one chance where you could take picture with her without having her say "EUGHW delete it!"

Second Step: Lead her to the entrance (avoiding people's gaze was attempted but not achieved)

Don't they all look like best friends?

The only problem about walking around a mall with a blindfold is that people are undoubtedly going to take advantage of you.

"Haha watch out volcano"

"Ahh, miss.. SURPRISE! I'm your real father"

"Woi cik adik, lend me some sugarr!"

But then I decided to stop messing with her coz that wasn't very nice.

Third Step: Bundle her into a car and bring her to The Curve

Haha this was soo funny! We fooled her into thinking it was a cab. What with the Malay radio station, it's hard not to get duped. Lovely lovely ride there.

Anyways, once we got there and after she had fallen prey to all the onlookers and their mocking, everything was revealed with stunning clarity. The sisters, the us, the Sharida and the Kei (albeit for a fraction of a second only. and, if seeing is believing then there's no reason why WJ should believe Kei was really there that evening lol).

Right, don't worry, just coz I don't have pictures from here on in, doesn't mean I'm gonna leave you all of a sudden. I'll explain to you in full detail right now what went down that night.

(this post is by Yi Wenn!)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

That's When I Decided To Post One

My blog post tally here comes up to a grand total of... 2.

Why did you steal my font Sharida?!

I thought I had updated that one but how would I know if WJ is hairy right?

Go use your Trebuchet lah!

Happy CNY!

Go to my blog to read something la. The vibes on this one are making me balk.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hairy Whey Jinn

Okay, I think it's about time I blog here. Don't you think so, Kimberly? This will put an end to those bad dreams you've been getting about TMC running out of cheddar cheese. Have no fear, Cheddar Cheese is here! Terms and conditions apply.

I don't know what's been put out there but let me set the record straight. I MISS HARTAMAS! No, I don't miss the housing area. God no! Hell no! I miss the people!

By order of height (tallest first):
  • Oya - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I said tallest first. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh boy, oh boy. Calm down. Ok la, I save you for later la.
  • Yi Wenn - During assembly, when the teacher points at the back of us with an angry stare and everyone turns back to see who got it bad, Yi Wenn turns back too. She can't help it, she's mentally ill like the rest of them. But I miss her freaking annoying head that turns back all the time.
  • Whey Jinn - Well, no comment... Just a suggestion or rather a warning, DO NOT EAT HER PANCAKES UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET SYPHILIS! Haha, ok, you don't get syphilis by eating pancakes la but that's the only way I can get your attention.
  • An-nuura - She's a great..person? Haha, she's not la but I still like her. Hahahaha, she is! Come on, the last thing I need right now is to fight with her. After my birthday and after she gets me a present, then I'll fight with her.
  • Kimberly - She needs cheddar to survive. She needs Sharida to survive. She needs calcium la, that's why she drinks Vitagen everyday but everyone knows Vitagen is one carbon atom away from being Coca Cola. Shh, don't tell her.
  • KFC - With simple addition and division, I found the average height of the KFC team members and it's still shorter than kim. Hahaha, i miss them. Their humour (not all of them are funny), their ability to play football (yeah right) and much more.
  • Oya - Finally, the shortest among the shortest. The cupcake among the muffins. The lizard among the... Ok, that's enough. She's...she's really short isn't she? Hahaha, she's not kiasu just like adnan teh. He's not kiasu.

Anyway, those whose names I didn't mention up there, well there's always next year. Good night everyone! Eh Whey Jinn, go shave your armpits la. You suck! Hahahah!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas, from all of us. :)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Hugs & kisses.

Okay I've decided to update this blog a little. :)

I just wanna say I miss you girls so much.

Whey Jinn!

Yi Wenn!
And of course, Sharida!

And now, group pictureee! :D

I've never uploaded these pictures before, so, yeah. :)